PYP Co-ordinator

Faida Röhner

My teaching career started in urban education in the United States. Since then, I have worked in the German school system, as well as another IB school before coming to H.I.S. In each setting, I have seen the power of inquiry-based learning first-hand. Through these experiences, I developed a passion for working with diverse communities and implementing the IB PYP.

I have held both teaching and co-ordinating positions since working with the IB PYP in 2013. It is a joy to work with students, teachers and parents as we implement the IB PYP Enhanced Curriculum. While researching the Programme, the word "agency" will have been one of the key words you will have repeatedly found within the Enhanced Curriculum. In the PYP, agency is an enhancement that focuses on all members of the community taking meaningful and international action, supporting voice, choice and ownership.